


With an ultra-modern trade fair solution, the two subsidiaries of LKQ Europe present themselves completely digitally in corona times. The customers of the two parts wholesalers save time and money and still experience - as usual - diversity, innovation and information. 

For many years now, the trade fairs of STAHLGRUBER and PV AUTOMOTIVE have been inspiring customers throughout Germany. Already in the past, many digital elements have been integrated into these events. This year, STAHLGRUBER and PV AUTOMOTIVE have developed this trend into two completely independent trade fair concepts. 

Central components are the two electronic catalogs STAkis 4.0 and PV:KOMPASS 4.0, both of which are integrated into the digital trade fair tool. The trade fairs can be experienced with just one click - from the comfort of your own home or workshop.

24 hours a day, seven days a week, workshop customers can use it to map their daily business and receive digital information and advice from renowned suppliers on wear parts, chemicals, accessories, tools, workshop equipment and current workshop trends. Thanks to modern features such as audio and video chat or live streams, "trade fair visitors" can communicate with suppliers and employees of STAHLGRUBER and PV AUTOMOTIVE.

All STAHLGRUBER customers expect additional live days. Here the visitors travel through an animated trade fair world, have the opportunity to chat live with suppliers and can follow the live stream from our trade fair workshop, the Technology Center. "Throughout the entire campaign period, our customers will have access to deals that change daily, highlights with attractive bonuses, chances of winning and online meetings with demonstrations and presentations," says Sebastian Schneider, the project manager responsible at PV AUTOMOTIVE. In addition to the online presence, PV AUTOMOTIVE also offers its customers the opportunity to have the latest workshop equipment demonstrated and explained in a sales outlet on a regional basis.

"Nevertheless, we are still sticking to our classic trade fairs", STAHLGRUBER project manager Ludwig Obermaier clarifies. "We choose the digital way now, because the current Corona situation leaves us hardly any other choice and shows us new possibilities at the same time. In addition, we know that touching, trying out and the personal contact are enormously important for our customers and ourselves. It's people who repair our cars, and even in the age of digitalization we continue to rely on personal exchange as soon as it is possible again without hindrance.

STAHLGRUBER exhibition online: 
05.10. - 01.11.2020 (within this period a live fair with live interaction and virtual tour takes place: 22.10 - 25.10.2020)