Gruber Straße 65
85586 Poing, Germany
T: 08121 707-0
F: 08121 707-77000
Contact forms
Gruber Straße 65
85586 Poing, Germany
T: 08121 707-0
F: 08121 707-77000
Contact forms
Together with renowned partner companies, specialists on our suppliers side and qualified external speakers, we inform you and your employees about all topics of the automotive repair industry. more
+49 08121 707-77447
With the STAHLGRUBER customer information service STAkis, we offer all the necessary software solutions for cost-effectiveness and success. more
0800 5782547
( Free )
Advertising efforts, customer loyalty and IT - we bring this back into focus with our range of partnership concepts. more
+49 08121 707-77448
STAHLGRUBER offers a complete service package in workshop equipment with its regionally represented TSC. more
0800 5896378
( Free )