The platform "Werkstattoffen.de" was launched. Join us and support in the current situation:
From the circle of our cooperation partners, an online platform is now being created to help you. A website for checking the general operation and querying opening hours and services of workshops is now online at www.werkstattoffen.de.
Every day thousands of people risk their health and thus their lives for other people. It is of immense importance to provide people with the most necessary things - such as medicines and food. However, this also includes functioning emergency and rescue vehicles.
"Werkstattoffen.de / .at" is a platform to find out which workshop is open during the crisis and which services it offers.
A functioning vehicle for rescue and emergency services is essential in exceptional social situations. "Werkstattoffen.de / .at" would like to support especially people with system relevant tasks. Who can repair the vehicle, where is the next open workshop and does the necessary work? Questions that "Werkstattoffen.de / .at" answers and hopefully saves lives.
Workshop owners maintain the status of their workshop either via the usual spare parts catalogues or directly on "Werkstattoffen.de / .at". It is essential that the opening hours are given. Once registration is complete, data can be adjusted individually and ad hoc. People in need of help - especially from system-relevant areas - can thus find a nearby workshop that is open and can carry out repairs on the vehicle within seconds.
There are no commercial interests behind this project and therefore the registration and use of the platform will not incur any costs. It is exclusively about coordinating people who need help with mobility. The project will be terminated after times of the Corona crisis and all recorded data will be deleted.